Monday, August 2, 2010

Career College President / School Director Jacksonville FL

We are in immediate need of a School President for a growing career college in Northeastern Florida, Jacksonville.  The requirements are:

1. Four or more years experience as a trade school school director in a medium sized career college offering technical programs (preferred).

2. Four year degree required at a minimum.

3. A verifiable record of accomplishment as a career school director or president.

4. A history of good job stability.

5. Attractive Northern Florida location. (Jacksonville FL)

Relocation is assisted and compensation is open for discussion.  This is a smaller to medium sized career college. 

Bird Dog Fee on this one is $1,000.  Please see terms and conditions under the bird dog link. 

Interested individuals should send a WORD resume via email to    If you can't attach one, please copy and paste one.  Serious candidates will be given all the information they need to take the next step.  All replies are held in the strictest of confidence. 

We are not asking for a commitment based on the little bit of information provided here. During the phone conversation, qualified candidates will be provided with all of the information they will need to be able to make an intelligent decision regarding whether to pursue any one of these positions. It never hurts to explore.